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Monday, October 11, 2010

Question For Those Expecting Rainbows

I am ashamed to say it, but I have lost track of how far along some of you are at this point.  I am trying to get myself re-oriented to the world, so I am going to make a request of those currently expecting rainbows.  Could you leave a comment below with your due date or how far along you are at this point?  Thanks!!!  :-)


Supposed to be... "Mama G"... said...

OH Susan! Jenna is absolutely precious, and the perfect reassurance that rainbows really do happen :)

We are currently 14 weeks +2 days along with our rainbow. The "due date" is April 8, 2011, however we have already discussed an early induction with our specialist. We will know more as I approach 36 weeks. So anytime after March 19, 2011!

Katy Larsen said...

29 weeks today! :) What a beautiful little girl Jenna is! xoxo

Holly said...

Our rainbow was born on Sept 22!!

Heather said...

I'm going on 28 weeks and am due Jan. 7. I completely understand losing track - you have a very good and beautiful reason!

Maggie said...

Congrats again on Jenna! She's just as precious as she was when she was a little bean. :) I'm 21 weeks, due February 19th!

Anonymous said...

33 weeks here and due Nov 28th but docs think he will be here early unless my cervix holds out. :)

Lori said...

Aren't you so sweet to think of so many others in the midst of all you are in??? It's hard to keep up, even when there's nothing going on!

We're 26 weeks today, due Jan. 17 but scheduled C-section for Jan. 3 (38 weeks) provided maturity looks strong...so far, so good...

Andrea said...

Love the picture of you and your hubby with bean :)

I am 24w 4d today, due Jan 27th. Glad to have reached this far and am looking forward.

Today I was thinking back to one of your postings, thinking of how I felt annoyed at some things ppl were saying today just like how you were annoyed with their comments back then. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets annoyed with things ppl say that are only meant to make me feel better...but if they only walked in our shoes!

Adri said...

30 weeks 1 day with out rainbow baby boy, C-section at 39 weeks 12/13! ahhh

Megan said...

33.5 weeks!! Woo! :o)

Antoinette said...

I have not been reading blogs the past few weeks...but i just came here and seen this...I am currently 13w3d due may 4, but i am measuring ahead so who knows when its due..i am all for TEAM ALIVE...so anytime around then is great!! Jenna is so beautiful xoxo....your girls are lucky to have you as a mommy

Big Love, Big Acceptance - or so I say said...

thanks for asking! Feels so sweet to be remembered, especially in the midst of your of busy life! :)

I'm 12w4d with an estimated due date of May 10, 2011.

Malory said...

Hello Susan :)

I am now 30 weeks. Due Jan 14th but am measuring ahead & we will be inducing so not sure when this little one will make his entrance!