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Sunday, November 21, 2010

2 Month Appointment and a Few Pics

Jenna went to the doctor for her two month check-up on Wednesday.  She is now 23" long and weighs 12 pounds (we started at 19" and 6 lbs, 11 oz).  She got her first round of vaccinations, which wasn't actually that bad.  The doctor asked about how much milk Jenna is taking in on a daily basis.  We told her that she is getting anywhere from 40-45 ounces every 24 hours, and she looked at us kind of funny.  She followed up the funny look by telling us that about 26 ounces every 24 hours is considered to be normal/average at this point.  I guess that explains the chubby cheeks!  :-)

We finally got the disk with her 1 month photos.  There are a few below, as well as some of our maternity photos taken by the same photographer four days before she was born.


Holly said...

I looooove the photos!!

Heather said...

So beautiful!!!

Supposed to be... "Mama G"... said...

Absolutely precious! <3

Jill said...

Such wonderful pictures!!!

Big Love, Big Acceptance - or so I say said...

So stinkin' cute! And I love your pregnancy/belly shots. A beautiful momma and beautiful baby girl.

Oh yeah, and to answer your question about where I grew up in PA... I was born in Landsdale and lived there through 5th grade. I still make it back to PA about once/year because my grandparents live in New Holland, outside of Lancaster.

Lori said...

How did I miss these precious and amazing pictures??????????? LOVE THEM!!! And hooray for chubby cheeks! They are PERFECT!